Find Fulfillment In Your Life
I asked several hundred Jesus-following friends what brings spiritual fulfillment to their lives. From my interviews, conversations, and 25 years of pastoring people, there are three common areas of finding fulfillment in life.
- =Finding fulfillment in your personal life
- =Experiencing fulfillment through people in life.
- =Being fulfilled when you discover your purpose in life.

Get Ready-To-Use Wonderful Resources
Lead your church, small group, leadership team, non-profit through to a fulfilled life with these ready-to-use resources. Coming in May 2024.
- RScreen and Social Graphics
- =Teaching Outlines
- =Group Discussion Guides
- =Downloadable Videos
- =Resource Guide
- =Discounted Books
Meet Travis
Travis is the Lead Pastor at The Fields Church.
He is passionate about God’s Word, people, and community engagement. Through his practical teaching style, vision casting, and leadership gifts, Travis encourages people to know God, and make a difference other people’s lives. He and his wife Joy, grew up and still live in the Mattoon area. They have three sons, Dakota, Riley and Cooper.